Writing and Revising and Critiquing…Oh My

Just wanted to write a quick update. I’m getting back into the swing of things. All the drama with the car and my phone and my computer (I don’t know if I mentioned that I was trying to upgrade my SSD aka hard drive to a larger size but that was a colossal mess!) didn’t deter me from writing some paragraphs into my book 2. Thank goodness for “The End” Challenge by RWA. Gave me the motivation to write because I couldn’t let that challenge slip. My brain isn’t wired to miss challenges.

I also took part in an online workshop for critiquing. Very helpful and informative. I’m now in the process of putting some of those tips to good use.

And, I also received some exciting news. I found out that Scent of Attraction is a finalist in the Golden Rose Contest by Rose City Romance Writers, a chapter of RWA. I want to congratulate all the other finalists and wish them good luck. It truly is an honour to be a finalist. I just received the graphic banner and I’m so excited to post this up on my website!

Golden Rose Contest 2015

Now, back to some more writing before I go to sleep…