Turtles can be Cute as Bunnies

I feel like getting this first book to the finish line is a very slow and steady race. Technically, I’m not racing against anyone but my own goal to get the book published by the end of this year. I got many things set up for it already. The Amazon Kindle Digital Publishing account. Kobo Writing Life account. Draft 2 Digital account. Got my EIN number even though I can use my SIN number with Amazon. Got my website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. accounts set up and ready to slowly trickle in some posts to get my name out there. Though I need to set up an Instagram account specifically for Chassy Chéri.

The book has gone through a couple of beta reads, several critiques, and one proofreader. Now I need to go through all the comments and corrections. I may send it through another edit. Found a really good editing company (www.editin4indies.com).

And now with a new job coming in, I won’t have my two free days to work on writing and editing. It’s great that I finally have a full-time job after all the drama from a fickle pharmaceutical industry, but those two free days were nice. I will work at least a bit on my books every night…even if it’s just a paragraph or chapter at a time.

I must say that I am learning a lot from several workshops (online or with my chapter) that help with my author life. Found a great use for Pinterest—a reservoir of bookmarks easily categorized into boards AKA topics! And found out about a great plugin for my website: Mooberry Book Manager! Great way to organize my books—ahem, upcoming books—but books nonetheless.

Anyhoo, I should get back to some sort of writing or editing. My little break is over.