Making Use of Technology On-The-Go

I was browsing in the App Store, looking for some new apps to download. I found a blog app “Blogo” that can connect with my website and let me post from my phone. I knew how to do it the long way—logging into my website and editing the page or post from the dashboard—but the new app should make things easier.

After Scrivener came out a month ago or so (which I love love love, by the way because I can write on the go), I figured I could give this new app a try. So far, it seems easy to write a blog. If I take out my Bluetooth keyboard, I could probably type a lot faster, though I text a lot so my texting speed is adequate for writing out my blog. The preview looks good. Links are easy to add. Inserting pictures:

And previews of the page are also quite easy. Looks like this is another win for the App Store. Now to find a way to stop procrastinating and write something…a blog, my next manuscript, my revisions…