Yearly Archives: 2015

Writing and Revising and Critiquing…Oh My   Recently updated !

Just wanted to write a quick update. I’m getting back into the swing of things. All the drama with the car and my phone and my computer (I don’t know if I mentioned that I was trying to upgrade my SSD aka hard drive to a larger size but that was a colossal mess!) didn’t […]

Lost Motivation Because of an Accident

When You Lose Your Motivation   Recently updated !

All last week, I didn’t write one word for my second book. You might ask, “What happened? Is it writer’s block?” Some of it can be attributed to writer’s block. Trying to write a story that happens simultaneously with the first book takes a lot of thought to ensure that you write what was happening […]

Why Don’t They Tell You About This in School?   Recently updated !

If high school English taught the basics of story writing, I’m pretty sure I would have enjoyed reading all the mandatory novels I dreaded every year—and I’m pretty sure my first manuscript would not look like Frankenstein. My favourite subjects in school were (and still are) science and math. I never liked English, except the […]

Story writing is like weaving a web

My Tired Eyes

Critiques, Beta Reading, and Editing   Recently updated !

I am currently going through my whole manuscript, polishing it again for the billionth time. Hoping to achieve a mirror-like finish 🙂 In the middle of fixing up Scent of Attraction, I’m also critiquing works, beta swapping, starting book 2, drafting a synopsis, drafting a query letter, pitching (not the baseball kind), and living the […]